Pool Spa Testing
HomePro Inspections offers pool and spa testing. For your pool, HomePro will inspect the equipment to make sure that everything is safe and functioning (weather permitting). We will also maker sure that all the proper safety equipment is present, such as a self-closing, self-latching gate, and proper handrails. HomePro will also educate you on how to open, close, clean, and treat your pool. If your home has a hot tub, we can also make sure that the equipment is safe and that all of the proper safety features are present.

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Core Services
All Inspection Services

Home Inspections
Our standard structural inspection includes an in-depth investigation of the property.

Pest Inspections
Pest inspections look for woodboring insects such as termites, carpenter..

Air Quality Testing
Air quality testing tests for the presence of microbial growth in the air of your home.