Air Quality Testing
Air Quality Mold Testing
Air quality testing tests for the presence of microbial growth in the air of your home.
With Rhode Island being so close to the ocean, it is not uncommon to have mold, or microbial growth in your home. Our method of testing for this microbial growth is both simple and effective. Generally, two canisters are used to measure the level of microbial growth, one is placed outside to determine a baseline (there is no standard amount for mold) and the other canister is placed inside the home. Additional canisters are available for larger homes as well. The canisters sit for (hours) and the sample is sent off to the lab. The results come back in about 72 hours.
If you or someone you know suffers from allergies, air quality mold testing can be very beneficial to figuring out what is making or your family sick.

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Air Quality Testing
Air quality testing tests for the presence of microbial growth in the air of your home.